Payment Methods
1) Place order
You can place an order quickly and easily in 2 minutes on our website.
Just choose the products you would like to receive and make sure to give us your correct address at checkout.
Click "Place order"
2) Open email
The payment methods available for our shop will be included in the email you receive after placing the order.
These options include payment via credit card, bank transfer and with Cryptocoins.
- Credit card (only inside EU)
- Bank transfer (outside EU: use for credit card payment to our bank account, or for bank transfers to our account )
- iDeal (only NL banks and
- Plisio (Cyrptos)
3) Pay order
Simply pay with your selected method and make sure to add your order number to the payment.
This is included in the email you received.
If you have any problem, please contact us at or via chat on this website.
4) Receive track & trace code
We ship within 48 hours of your payment arriving on our accounts.
You then receive a shipping confirmation which includes a tracking code.
Keep an eye on the status of your parcel and we'll be happy to help you receive it as fast as possible.
5) Receive order
Your order will be with you soon and depending on the shipping method you chose, may require a signature (UPS).
Shop Now
Magic Mushrooms
Potent magic mushroom grow kits and tools to start cultivating shrooms at...
Magic Truffles
Magic truffles are a great product for high dose psychedelic experiences. Powerful...
Perfect product for natural psilocybin microdosing Magic fungi are natural sources of...