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Potencia cerebral: 2 meses de microdosis + Melena de León

Potencia cerebral: 2 meses de microdosis + Melena de León

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Precio normal €99,95
Precio normal €139,95 Precio de venta €99,95
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Alimenta Y protege tu cerebro!

Las trufas de silocibina alimentan tus nervios, la melena de león los protege. Las tiras de blíster contienen trufas de psilocibina frescas: ¡seca las trufas con la esterilla térmica para que duren sin perder la sustancia activa! (ver más abajo)

Sencillo y perfecto para:

  • Sanar el sistema nervioso
  • Aprender
  • Combatir enfermedades nerviosas
  • Cambiar hábitos RÁPIDAMENTE
  • Aumentar la resistencia al estrés
Ambos hongos curativos  son un GRAN alimento para el crecimiento y la curación de los nervios..
Juntos, pueden ayudarte a crear mejoras duraderas en tu bienestar mental y físico.

60 días de alto rendimiento

2 cápsulas de melena de león al día son la dosis óptima.
  • Construye la vaina protectora alrededor de los nervios
  • Contrarresta la destrucción de la capa de mielina
  • Evita la degeneración de las células nerviosas
  • Puede tener efectos antidepresivos
48 porciones de ca 0.8-1g = 8 semanas de microdosificación, 
(cada semana: 6 dosis - 1 día de descanso)

Especialmente indicado para:
  • transformación personal rápida
  • mejorar la memoria
  • mejorar las enfermedades neurodegenerativas
  • studying
  • trabajo creativo (o juego)

Las Trufas Mágicas en las tiras de blíster especialmente envasadas duran sin enfriarse al menos un año. Por favor, ¡trágate las trufas pequeñas sin masticar!


¡Una ampolla / burbuja = una porción!
Utiliza el alfiler para perforar las ampollas (4 agujeros arriba 4 abajo en cada ampolla) y la esterilla térmica para secarlas. Las trufas están secas cuando ya no se ve condensación en el interior del blíster.
Seca 3 tiras de blíster a la vez en una esterilla térmica y guarda las otras tiras de blíster en el frigorífico hasta que también se puedan secar. El secado tarda unos 2-3 días.

    How to use

    Lions Mane

    Take 2 capsules per day, in the morning after breakfast. No breaks necessary.

    Magic Truffles

    Cut out 1 portion a day.

    Swallow whole with water!
    (Chewing heightens effects)

    Store in fridge for up to 6 weeks. After that, potency declines gradually.

    Or freeze for longer freshness.

    Make sure to only defrost the portion you need for that day and consume it right after thawing!

    Experiment with what time of day works best for you.

    In the morning after breakfast (so it is digested slowly!) or at night before bed, for more intense dreams.
    You can also split up the portion and take half in the morning, half at night.

    What are the benefits?

    Brain health Lion's Mane has been shown to support cognitive function, memory, and overall brain health.

    • Nervous system health: Lion's Mane promotes the growth and repair of nerve cells, benefiting the overall functioning of the nervous system.
    • Digestive system: Supports digestive function and alleviates gastrointestinal discomfort.
    • Immune system: Enhances immune function and healthy immune response.
    • Mood and emotional well-being: Lion's mane shows mood-lifting and anxiety-reducing effects.

    Psilocybin Microdosing helps the body connect, relax and heal. Its powers to help the brain grow cause:

    • Increased motivation and FLOW
    • Better Mood
    • Stress resistance
    • Emotional awareness
    • Increased creativity

    Truffles also derive some of their benefits from the activation of the body's natural healing powers. This can provide relief from:

    • depression
    • anxiety
    • ADD/ADHD
    • PTSD and other disorders related to emotional distress
    • brain fog and fatigue

    Finally, microdosing facilitates relaxation on a deeper level. It lowers inflammation and muscle cramps, which can help alleviate:

    • PMS and period pains
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • migraines
    • cluster headaches
    • chronic pain
    • autoimmune disease symptoms
    • digestive problems

    How often and how long?


    48 Microdoses, 1g of fresh magic truffles per dose.

    Suitable for most adults!

    Suggested protocol: Microdose on 6 consecutive days, take 1 day off to rest and reflect.

    Take breaks when you feel like it! Since truffles are actually good for the body and immune system, breaks are optional.

    The effects should be sub-perceptual, leaving you fully sober and ready to tackle the day, without any influence on your normal perception or reaction time. If you feel too affected by a full 1g portion, you can also take less.

    If you notice absolutely no changes after a few days, you may have very high natural tolerance and can slowly bump up the dosage.

    Half portions

    96 Microdoses, 0.5g of fresh magic truffles per dose (simply leave the other half of a bubble for the next day)

    Freezing or darying truffles greatly extends shelf life.

    Suggested protocol: Microdose on 6 consecutive days, take 1 day off to rest and reflect.

    0.5g is half a standard microdose and often more suitable for especially sensitive adults.

    You can also try microdosing half portions twice a day, in the morning and before bed.

    Safety note

    Sobriety is a key element of microdosing!

    A true microdose will not affect your reaction time and perception, so you can still drive, work and do anything as normal (but better).

    We'll help you find your perfect dose, but it is ultimately your responsibility to start small and only increase dosage gradually.

    Fresh magic truffles are also suitable for high dosages. True psychedelic effects start at about 10x microdose, but some physical and emotional changes can be noticed much earlier.

    Addiction is NOT an issue, as psilocybin fungi are 100% non-addictive.

    Your health and safety must always come first!

    Ver todos los detalles

    Magic Fungi Microdosing

    Microdosing is the regular intake of tiny dosages of magic mushrooms or magic truffles. This does not create any distortions in perception, visuals, or other typical psychedelic effects.

    The effects this practice creates are sub-perceptual, leaving the user fully sober and functional.

    • 💪 Body

      • Increased energy levels
      • Decreased inflammation
      • Less Cravings
    • 🎯 Mind

      • Better mood
      • Increased focus
      • Less negative thought patterns
    • 🧠 Brain

      • Increased learning capacity
      • Less brain fog
      • Helps brain cell growth
    • ❤️ Emotions

      • Improved empathy
      • More patience
      • Creates open, loving feeling