My Personal Microdosing Journey

My Personal Microdosing Journey

How I discovered Microdosing and changed my life for the better?

Hi, I'm Lilli, mushroom enterpreneur and founder of the Provithor Smartshop. 

In this article I share the story of how I discovered magic truffle microdosing, how it changed my life and why it became so important to me to spread the word about the benefits of microdosing and other natural psychedelics. 

How my microdosing journey started?

Back in 2018, I was in a rough place. I felt lonely, I was constantly broke, and I was just generally exhausted with my state of being. Every morning, I woke up with a sense of dread and uncertainty, wondering how I would make it through the day (one could argue I was depressed). While my "rational mind" kept telling me to "Get it together. You’ll need to work hard to get out of this situation." but I simply lacked the energy and motivation to do so. 

For me starting microdosing magic truffles wasn't really a concious choice but it was also not something totally new and without any precedents. At that time I was surrounded by poeple who had already discovered magic mushrooms and their life altering potentials. So one day, I was staring at magic truffles in the fridge (yes, we had kept some magic truffles in our fridge) I thought it's better to eat them then throw them away so I started by biting off tiny bits of the truffles each morning, not really sure what to expect. Imagine the surprise, when I relaized that effects were almost immediate. I felt a kind of joy, energy, focus, and clarity that I haven't experienced in years. It was an amazing feeling and a powerful experience. It felt like discovering a secret button in my brain that said "Power"

Fast forward five years later, and I still microdose on a regular basis. It's become my go-to brain hack, and the positive effects have been life-changing for me. 

a hand holds a small magic truffle. a beach and the ocean are in the background

What did I learn by microdosing?

I learned that biggest mistake you can possibly make with magic truffle microdosing is not to do it. I mean, what is there to loose!?

So, for everybody who is still hesitant or feel pressured by the reccommendations of psychedelic community and magic mushroom influencers out there, I'm sharing my story to lift those worries. 

The truth is, that when I started, I didn't do microdosing the "right" way (there are many ways to do it anyway). Initially, I didn't integrate meditation practices or journaling into my daily routine like many psychedelic influencers would recommend on the internet. My practice, if I may say this, was a lot closer to something which these influential people would call "mindless microdsoing". This means, I simply ate a few truffles each morning and went about my day without changing much else in my lifestyle. 

And I still got here.

Microdosing helps me improve my life

Over the last three years, I went through a transformative journey and personal growth, which led me to adopt new skills and a whole different attitude towards life in general, work, and my relationships with others. The changes I underwent occurred naturally over time, theye weren't forced or sudden. 

Through Microdosing Magic Truffles, I was able to experience an increase in my energy levels, which was amazing! This newfound sense of vitality allowed me to be more productive and motivated in my everyday activities. I started living healthier, I became more conscious of the foods I ate, I was able to excercise more.

Microdosing helped me to develop a work ethic, and it gave a new meaning to my life. One of my mission by founding ProviThor is that I have a platform where I can share deep knowledge about microdosing and help others to approach their life with a clearer mind and greater creativity. 

My never ending self-improvement journey is a gradual process, and the changes that have occurred in my life were a result of my conscious choices and efforts. Microdosing was, and still is, my best alley in this journey, helping me to develop a more positive attitude towards myself, others, work, and life in general. It empowers me with a "magical and deeply connected self " to become the best version of myself.


Did I make mistakes? Yes, I did. Could have I done it a bit smarter? Yes, I could have. But at the end of the day, all that matters, that I did it. Because the worst possible option would have been to not to Microdosing, at all.

 If you are interested in knowing more about Microdosing, I've got good news for you! Our Microdosing e-book is on the way. If you want to be the first to have it, please, 

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 *Note that the term Microdosing refers to Microdosing Magic Truffles exclusively. This cannot, under any circumstances, be replaced with synthetics substances.

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