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Truffels voor microdosering

Truffels voor microdosering

230 totaal beoordelingen

Normale prijs €34,95
Normale prijs €52,95 Verkoopprijs €34,95
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Inclusief belasting. Verzending berekend bij het afrekenen.

De makkelijkste manier om met microdoseren te beginnen

Probeer magische truffels uit!

Voedt je zenuwstelsel onmiddellijk, zonder een "high" te veroorzaken. Geen bijwerkingen, geen verslavende eigenschappen.

Verbeter je welzijn!
Getriggerd raken!
Start genezing!

Eén maand microdoseren laat je de neuroactieve eigenschappen van psilocybine truffels ervaren:
  • Nervecelgroei (Neurogenese)
  • zenuwverbinding (Neuroconnectiviteit)
  • Hersencelmodulatie (Neuroplasticiteit)
  • Celregeneratie (Neuroregeneratie)

Het kan je ook veel vertellen over je lichaam en je op een dieper niveau weer in contact laten komen met je emoties.

Als je erg gevoelig bent, kan 1/2 portie of minder genoeg voor je zijn. Begin laag!
Anders zijn 24 porties van 1g perfect voor een maand microdoseren, met 4-6 rustdagen (1 vrije dag per week).

Pilocybine Truffel Microdoseren vermindert:
  • Angst & Angst reacties
  • Depressieverschijnselen
  • Uitstelgedrag
  • Hersenmist
  • Inflammatie &; Pijn

Bewaar verse truffels in de koelkast om ze tot 6 weken vers te houden! Daarna zal de potentie geleidelijk afnemen!


Full article on how to start microdosing

Cut out 1 portion per day.

Suggested protocol: 6 days of microdosing, 1 day break (see below "how often, how long")

Swallow whole with water!
(chewing releases all the active substances faster).

If you are highly sensitive, take half portions!

Experiment with what time of day works best for you!

In the morning after breakfast, you get the subtle benefits during the day. If you microdose at night before bed, expect better sleep and more intense dreams.

You can also split up the portion and take half in the morning, half at night.


Store in the fridge for up to 6 weeks!

After that, fresh truffles may gradually start to lose potency.

Freeze to extend longeivity!

It is important to only cut out and defrost the portion you want to use.

Cut out and dry if you want to keep the truffles potent really long!

By simply leaving them on a paper towel at room temperature for a week, you can get them to dry hard as rocks.

What are the benefits?

Magic truffles are an easy, legal and safe option for microdosing.

Psilocybin Microdosing helps the body connect, relax and heal. Its powers to help the brain grow cause:

  • Increased motivation and FLOW
  • Better Mood
  • Stress resistance
  • Emotional awareness
  • Increased creativity

Truffles also derive some of their benefits from the activation of the body's natural healing powers. This can provide relief from:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • PTSD and other disorders related to emotional distress
  • brain fog and fatigue

Finally, microdosing facilitates relaxation on a deeper level. It lowers inflammation and muscle cramps, which can help alleviate:

  • PMS and period pains
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • migraines
  • cluster headaches
  • chronic pain
  • autoimmune disease symptoms
  • digestive problems

Is it for me?

Especially well suited for hypersensitive people - or for travelling.

Dry truffles you can just keep in your pocket, without cooling.

The top most common reasons for people to start microdosing are:

  • Anxiety & Fear responses
  • Depression symptoms
  • Procrastination
  • Brain fog
  • Inflammation & Pain

Because the doses are so low you do not feel them immediately, it fits into any lifestyle.

True microdosing means, your reaction time and perception are not affected.

So there is no worry about causing psychosis or losing control: You simply never give up control.
There are no perceptible effects to get stuck on!

How often and how long?

24 Microdoses, 1g of fresh magic truffles per dose.

Suitable for most adults!

Suggested protocol: Microdose on 6 consecutive days, take 1 day off to rest and reflect.

Take breaks when you feel like it! Since truffles are actually good for the body and immune system, breaks are optional.

The effects should be sub-perceptual, leaving you fully sober and ready to tackle the day, without any influence on your normal perception or reaction time. If you feel too affected by a full 1g portion, you can also take less.

If you notice absolutely no changes after a few days, you may have very high natural tolerance and can slowly bump up the dosage.

Half portions

48 Microdoses, 0.5g of fresh magic truffles per dose (simply leave the other half of a bubble for the next day)

Suggested protocol: Microdose on 6 consecutive days, take 1 day off to rest and reflect.

0.5g is half a standard microdose and often more suitable for especially sensitive adults.

The lite version is also more suitable if you want to microdose less frequently, like:

  • 1g every 3 days (lasts for 36 days)
  • 0.5g every 2nd day (lasts for 48 days)

Safety note

Sobriety is a key element of microdosing!

A true microdose will not affect your reaction time and perception, so you can still drive, work and do anything as normal (but better).

We'll help you find your perfect dose, but it is ultimately your responsibility to start small and only increase dosage gradually.

Fresh magic truffles are also suitable for high dosages. True psychedelic effects start at about 10x microdose, but some physical and emotional changes can be noticed much earlier.

Addiction is NOT an issue, as psilocybin fungi are 100% non-addictive.

Your health and safety must always come first!

Bekijk alle details

Magische schimmel microdosering

Microdoseren is het regelmatig innemen van kleine doseringen paddo's of magische truffels. Dit veroorzaakt geen verstoringen in de waarneming, visuals of andere typische psychedelische effecten.

De effecten die deze praktijk teweegbrengt zijn subperceptueel, waardoor de gebruiker volledig nuchter en functioneel blijft.

  • Lichaam

    • Verhoogd energieniveau
    • Verlaagde ontstekingen
    • Minder trek
  • Geest

    • Betere stemming
    • Verhoogde concentratie
    • Minder negatieve gedachtepatronen
  • Hersenen

    • Verhoogd leervermogen
    • Minder hersenmist
    • Helpt de groei van hersencellen
  • ❤️ Emoties

    • Verbeterd inlevingsvermogen
    • Meer geduld
    • Creëert een open, liefdevol gevoel